lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

4th Youth Congress

On Friday February 15, 2013 we celebrated our 4th Youth Congress Solidarity with students in their 4ºESO and students of the following schools: Colegio Divina Pastora, IES Valler del Tiétar, IES Juana Pimietel.


The aim of the congress is to Educate and empower the youth on the importance and strength of citizen participation through sharing real experiences from people who are active in social development.


Miguel Benito Barrio   Asociación Barrio el Tiétar, La Adrada
Diego Cruz               

Gloria Palomo     SEO BirdLife, 'Red Nature 2000', Madrid
Mario Fernandez

Alisa Hentze         Servicio del Voluntariado Europeo, Islas Faroe y Rumania
Adela Nedelcu

sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013

Skype Conference on 14 Feb 2013 Palestine + Latvia
Palestinian Group
Both groups met on Thursday and introduced each others. They shared their experience in the project
Also the discussion was about the experience of Latvians of the former occupation and how they suffered from it as it is now an occupation in Palestine. Also they discussed the SONG of the project.